Bloomberg: The Best and the Worst Places to Be in Covid: U.S. Sinks in Ranking.


Winter and the long-anticipated rollout of coronavirus vaccines triggered some surprising shifts in Bloomberg’s Covid Resilience Ranking, a measure of the best places to be in the Covid-19 era.

Each month, we crunch the numbers to get a snapshot of where the virus is being handled the most effectively with the least social and economic disruption.

New Zealand-with its closed borders, vaccine deals and elimination of the virus in the community-remains No. 1 in December, with Taiwan edging into second place as the onset of cold weather challenges previously top-ranked places like Japan and South Korea.

The winter wave’s ferocity is testing their approach of trying to tame Covid-19 without locking down. Japan-No. 2 in November-Korea and Sweden have all fallen in the Ranking as people’s migration indoors fuels the virus’s spread, putting pressure on their long-standing strategies of suppressing the pathogen with minimal disruption. Lauded for its early focus on testing and cutting-edge contact tracing, Korea is trying to avoid imposing its toughest curbs yet.

Covid Resilience Ranking

Bloomberg: Η Ελλάδα ανάμεσα στις χειρότερες χώρες για να ζει κανείς την εποχή του κορωνοϊού.

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