Kasselakis Urges Tsipras to either Take-Over or «Support me…without games»!


«I did not come to my country to spend my time on daily ‘civil wars’ within the party»…main opposition SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance leader Stefanos Kasselakis said in a social media message late on Friday, in which he urged his predecessor Alexis Tsipras to either Support him or come and Take Over the party’s leadership himself.

«SYRIZA is the main opposition in the country and needs a leader who can perform his duties without distraction, and help the country emerge from the neoliberal morass and right-wing decline»…Kasselakis emphasised, while stressing his respect for Tsipras.

He noted that the party could not be «liquified into a centrist formation with agreements at the top, excluding society» and deserved a chance to rule and «finally vindicate the expectations of the progressive citizens».

«And this is why I say clearly and with a sense of historic responsibility: Come and take over and I will be a foot-soldier in your effort, without undermining you for even a moment. If, however, you do not wish to do this, support me to make the effort for our party, without games»…he added.

Kasselakis stressed that he was «not stuck on» the leadership position, adding that he had barely had a chance to occupy it and had only been allowed to «fight the battle» without daily barbs from within the party for a mere two months.

He also referred to the achievements under his leadership, noting that the party’s new MEP candidates, the party members and MPs had «fought with heart and soul» and raised SYRIZA from 9% to 15%, allowing it to remain the main opposition, which had previously seemed impossible.

«Two splits, an attempt at delegitimisation at the Conference, now again with signatures to convene the party’s organs whose meetings had already been announced. Bickering, bluster and introversion that is repellent to our voters and society»…he pointed out.

Referring to the decision to stop daily publicatio of the SYRIZA-affiliated newspaper “Avgi”, he stressed that the party’s finances did not permit any other decision.

«How could the daily issue of ‘Avgi’, which needed to be shut down in 2022 with twice the funding, now stay open with half the amount? Who is instrumentalising the anxious fears of working people by concealing the tragic true picture»…he said.

Noting that he had personally given the maximum permitted amount under the law, 20,000 euros, and had collected another 7,000 euros from friends and party members, Kasselakis pointed out that this money had ended up being spent on paying off the paper’s debts.

Calling for the economic reform and renewal of the party, with greater powers to the grassroots and bold steps to lead the effort for a broad centre-left, Kasselakis concluded by saying that «I would rather be a soldier in the battle for a better Greece than a general in a party civil war»…inviting Tsipras to join him.

Source: The National Herald



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