The Ocean by Marlain Angelides in NY.


Lez Zeppelin presents the Quaran Tune 3: The Ocean.

Summer is here! Some of you may already be «down by the seaside». But, for those of you who are not, we will take you there…

«Singing in the sunshine, laughing in the rain»…boy do I want to do all that again. Warning: Lots of water folks.

Footage of my homes: Cyprus and Greece, some Hawaii, Australia, New York and my girls. Had so much fun editing! Enjoy…

Special counting cameo appearance by Elliot Hoffman in the Greek footage.

Summer is here! Some of you may already be ‘down by the seaside’. But, for those of you who are not, we will take you there… Lez Zeppelin presents, QuaranTune #3: The Ocean.@stephpaynes @marlain_a @leesadadrumma @rudewhennude Special thanks to @rjanos86 for drum engineering!To support us in any way: Venmo: @lezzeppelinPaypal: #lezzeppelin #allgirlsallzeppelin #femalemusicians #zepheads #ledzeppelin #rockchick #theocean #womeninrock #allgirlband #vintagerock #ledzeppelinfans #ledzep #quarantinemusic #quarantinemusicsessions #supportyourfavoriteband #musicvideo #madeathomemusic #socialdistancing #quarantinemusicians #womenpower #femaleguitarist #femalebassist #femalevocals #femaledrummer #covermusic #classicrock #theseventies #onlineconcerts #womenwhorock

Gepostet von Lez Zeppelin am Donnerstag, 25. Juni 2020


During quarantine I went through all the emotions of fear and denial, and ended up making peace with it all by surrendering to the idea to finally commit to a solo music side project.

Many people over the years have said to me I should do a one woman show and this is the closest to it that I have come.

Once the decision was made though I knew I have a long way to go. In keeping with the times, I thought I would share this process in all its insecure glory.  I have created a mailing list here and will be sending out updates as I move along;

Here is a video account of the first stage of this journey. I ask questions that need answers, so comments are on;


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